Energy Meets Art - Donna Cole - OVM 54 - Our Voices Matter with Linda Lorelle
What on earth could possess the owner of a successful energy company to produce a musical about a 17th century cloistered nun who is up for sainthood? For Donna Cole, CEO of Cole Chemical, it's all about connection. Connecting the right and left sides of her brain. Connecting one good person to another. Connecting us all to our common humanity. Cole is a Japanese American woman who started her business with $5,000 at a time when Japan-bashing was common. Today, Cole Chemical & Distributing has revenues in excess of $80 million.
While Cole continues to run her company, she also embraces her creative side, as co-founder of Pantheon Productions, a media company focused on changing the way women are perceived by men, and the way women perceive themselves. Her current venture, the musical Lady of Agreda, premieres March 12, 2020 and runs through April 5th in Houston, Texas. Cole's vision is to multiply her efforts as a mentor by "telling great stories about strong women and supportive men to inspire others and motivate them to do good things." Amen, Donna. And thank you!